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Strengthening the partnership between leading French and German research universities

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch, Vorstandsvorsitzender von German U15 & Prof. Michel Deneken, Präsident von Udice

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch, Vorstandsvorsitzender von German U15 & Prof. Michel Deneken, Präsident von Udice

News vom 30.11.2023

German U15 met with the French partner organisation Udice in Paris in November 2023. Udice brings together the ten research-intensive universities in France. The two alliances have been working closely together since it was founded in 2020. The meeting in Paris was the first joint general meeting.

German U15 and Udice have reaffirmed their close cooperation. In a joint declaration, the French and German research universities agreed on a series of measures to further intensify their cooperation.

These include deepening the mutual exchange and joint advocacy for scientific excellence in Germany, France and Europe, promoting the networking of research universities in Europe and worldwide, and jointly advising political decision-makers in both countries.

Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Michael Hoch, Chairman of the Board of German U15, emphasized the importance of the meeting:

"The top French universities are among our closest cooperation partners. In Paris, we discussed how we can join forces even better. I look forward to further intensifying our cooperation."


About German U15 

German U15 represents 15 leading research-intensive universities that are among the most academically distinguished and internationally renowned institutions of the German science system. They are dedicated to outstanding research and excellent teaching and attract bright students as well as early-career and senior scientists from all over the world. German U15’s prime concern is to establish and promote the best conditions for university-based research, teaching, and transfer activities.


Press contact
Karin Kutter
Senior Officer Communication and Marketing
German U15 e. V.
Chausseestraße 111
10115 Berlin
+49 (0)30 2060491 184
Twitter: @German_U15

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